Rebuilding the Smile in Cumming, GA

One of the most important treatments in dentistry is the replacement of missing teeth. There are a few different ways to rebuild the smile, depending on the number of teeth lost. However, for most of our patients, one or a few teeth can be best replaced with a bridge.

Cumming Dental Care offers dental bridges in Cumming and to all surrounding communities. We can help patients overcome tooth loss of any severity.

How Bridges Help You

Bridges are porcelain prosthetics that replace one or more missing teeth in the smile. A traditional bridge uses crowns added to the neighboring teeth for support, suspending the new tooth in the gap where the original was lost. In contrast, a bridge supported by dental implants can restore several teeth without requiring alteration to the surrounding natural teeth.

Implant-supported bridges are best saved for restoring a row of lost teeth. If one tooth is missing and you desire the benefits of implant restorations, then you need an implant-supported crown. Traditional bridges serve you best if you can or will not undergo surgical care.

Additionally, our bridges are made of porcelain, giving you a restored smile without detracting from its appearance. This body-safe ceramic material is indistinguishable from the appearance of natural teeth. Whereas a metal crown or silver filling stands out visually, porcelain prosthetics blend in with the other teeth.

Excellence is Our Goal

Dr. Skognes has one goal behind every treatment he offers: excellent dental care. He makes sure that you receive the highest quality restoration when are in need of a tooth replacement.

This devotion to excellence is clearly visible in the treatments we provide. Many of our patients tell us that the beauty and functionality of their new teeth exceeded their expectations. When you come in to discuss your treatment options with us, you can see this amazing quality of care for yourself. However, you do not have to take our word for it; you can go to our Testimonials page and see how other patients react towards the quality of the care Dr. Skognes delivers.

Contact Us for Excellent Restorative Dentistry

Cumming Dental Care provides bridges in Cumming for patients in need of teeth replacements. This restorative treatment helps you rebuild a smile when one or more teeth have been lost. For more information about restorative dental care, call us and schedule your next appointment today. 


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